
Kaukauna Post 41, Inc



ARTICLE VII – APPOINTMENTS (Kaukauna Post 41, Inc. By-Laws)


                Section 1. The Commander, with the approval of the Executive Committee, immediately upon taking office each year, shall appoint the following standing committees: Membership, Finance, Athletic, House, Rules and Regulations, Service Officer, Chaplain and Historian.


                The chairman of each standing committee shall make a report of the activities of such committees at each regular meeting of the Post.



(d) Children and Youth Committee

i) Purpose: To insure that any child of a veteran in need of care and protection shall receive proper and timely service and aid; to strengthen the family unit; extend support; extend support to sound organizations and facilities that provide services for children and youth; and to maintain a well-rounded program that meets the needs of the young people in their respective communities.

Programs: Badger Boys State; American Legion Baseball; Shooting Sports; Oratorical Contest; County Government Day



(b) Communications Committee

i) Purpose: The Communications Committee serves as the voice of Kaukauna Post 41, Inc. by enhancing public perceptions of Post, The American Legion, America’s Veterans and their families. It is the responsibility of the committee to maintain the image of the Post and to communicate our various messages to the public promoting and publicizing projects, events, programs and accomplishments of the Post.


Programs: Write up editorials covering Post meetings. Submission of articles to the local paper. Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) informing the public of major events, i.e. brat fries, social programs, memorial events.



(e) Finance Committee

i) Purpose: The Post Finance Committee shall approve, budget, and audit the expenditures of the Department.




(f) Fundraising Committee

i) Purpose: The Fundraising committee is responsible for overseeing, accounting and reporting of all fundraising activities within the Post as directed by the Post Executive Committee.

ii) The Committee Chairman shall be Consultant to the Finance Committee.


Programs: Government Grants; Donations from local businesses, Business ads for Quarterly Newsletter.





(i) Membership Committee

i) Purpose: To promote an increase of membership in the Post, to ascertain the causes for failure of former members to renew their membership, and generally, to assist the Post in a program working toward increasing the numerical strength of the Post. Also, to recommend programs to the Post for the promotion of such activities as would stimulate interest in Post, The American Legion and its programs in all communities.




(k) Policy Committee

i) Purpose: The Post Policy Committee will study, recommend, and formulate policies that will be beneficial to the Post on all matters that will tend to increase the prestige of the Post, The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin and to advance the best interests of The American Legion. No recommendation shall be considered as final unless approved by the Post Executive Committee.

ii) The Policy Committee will review all Post Resolutions before they are presented to the Post. The Policy Committee shall determine if Convention Resolutions are properly written and/or germane to the policies and mandates of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin.

The purpose of the Policy Committee is to study, recommend, and formulate policies that will be beneficial to the Department on all matters that will tend to increase the prestige of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin and to advance the best interests of The American Legion.  No recommendation shall be considered as final unless approved by the Department Executive Committee or a Department Convention.  The committee will review all Convention Resolutions before they are presented to the convention for action.  The Policy Committee shall determine if Convention Resolutions are properly written and/or germane to the policies and mandates of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin.



(m) Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Committee

i) Purpose: To formulate policies in coordination with the Department Service Officer, subject to approval by the Department Executive Committee or a Department Convention, of all the different phases of the rehabilitation problems of veterans and their dependents of all wartime conflict as defined by the U.S. Congress.